White-lined Tanager
McCormick Bird House
The McCormick Bird House is closed until further notice.
Did You Know?
- White-lined tanagers live in South American countries including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Trinidad and Tobago.
- Although they live in the Amazon rainforest region, these are not necessarily forest birds; they prefer open or semi-open areas and shrub edges.
- Tanagers in general are short-necked songbirds with bright plumage, although their beaks vary by diet. They make up a very large family of birds that is restricted to the Americas.
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Scientific Name: Tachyphonus rufus
Class: Birds
Diet: Fruit, insects
Range: Northern and eastern South America
Endangered Status: Least Concern
More Information
White-lined tanagers are tropical, medium-sized perching birds. Males are black with a white patch under the beak and on the shoulder, which may not be very visible. Females are rufous (reddish-brown). These birds have short, pointed bills and are usually found in pairs or in mixed-species flocks. They have a large native range and do not migrate.