Swan Goose

Waterfowl Lagoon

Did You Know?

  • Swan geese get their name from their long, swan-like neck.
  • The largest swan geese flocks gather in winter and can include up to 1,000 birds.
  • These geese migrate in stages, and their key breeding grounds lie in wetlands between Russia, Mongolia, and China.

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Scientific Name: Anser cygnoides

Class: Birds

Diet: Plant matter, roots, and tubers

Range: Southeastern Russia, Mongolia, China, North Korea, and South Korea

Endangered Status: Endangered

More Information

Swan geese are a large species of goose with a long neck and head split into two shades of brown. The rest of their plumage is brown and white. They have black eyes, a black bill, and orange feet. They spend most of their time in flocks of up to 200 individuals.

Swan geese nest in pairs or colonies during breeding season and engage in courtship displays. Nests are shallow and situated on the ground near water. Females lay five to eight eggs per clutch. Males defend the nest site and help females rear their offspring. Young birds become mature at 1.5 years.

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