Grevy’s Zebra

Camel & Zebra

Did You Know?

  • Grevy’s zebras are the largest wild animals in the Equidae family, which includes horses, donkeys, and zebras.
  • They have narrower black and white stripes than other zebras, which don’t extend all the way around their chest and belly.
  • Male zebras have four more teeth than females. These pointed canines are used in fighting to defend their territories.

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Scientific Name: Equus grevyi

Class: Mammals

Diet: Grasses (bark, fruit, and leaves)

Range: Kenya and Ethiopia

Endangered Status: Endangered

More Information

Grevy’s zebras stand 4–5 feet tall at the shoulder and typically weigh 700–900 pounds. They have brown or black skin beneath their coat and a gray muzzle fading into a distinctive tan “M,” with an unstriped white patch above it. Their ears are rounder than those of other zebras and their tooth enamel is thick to withstand the constant grinding of grasses.

Grevy’s zebras tend to be solitary, although they may also live in temporary herds, especially during the dry season. Female zebras have a 13-month gestation period. They leave their loose groupings to give birth in heavy brush, rejoining the herd after several days. Foals are independent around nine months.

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