Cactus Mouse
Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House
Did You Know?
- Cactus mice have unusually long tails compared to their body size. This may help them regulate their body temperature in their desert habitats.
- With the ability to run up to 8 mph, cactus mice are often fast enough to get away from their predators.
- They can lower their metabolism and enter torpor when deprived of food and water, which is another helpful survival tactic.
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Scientific Name: Peromyscus eremicus
Class: Mammals
Diet: Fruits, flowers, and seeds (also insects, leaves, green vegetation)
Range: Southwestern United States and northern Mexico
Endangered Status: Least Concern
More Information
Cactus mice are small, generally pale-gray rodents that live in deserts and scrublands. They are around 3.5 inches long, with tails up to 5.5 inches long. These animals are shy and quick and are active at night when it is less hot. During the warmest, driest times of the year, they may go into a period of hibernation called aestivation. These mice have good vision and hearing and communicate through chemical signals as well as sounds.
Their mating behavior is not well understood, but they are known to reproduce quickly. Females may produce four litters of one to four offspring each year. They reach maturity at just two months of age.