Amazon Milk Frog
Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House
Did You Know?
- Amazon milk frogs are not called that because of their milky blue-gray coloring. Instead, their name refers to a poisonous, milky-looking secretion that comes out of the skin when they are threatened.
- Their toe pads can hold up to 14 times the frog’s body weight, allowing these small amphibians to easily climb plants.
- Females can lay up to 2,000 eggs at a time.
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Scientific Name: Trachycephalus resinifictrix
Class: Amphibians
Diet: Insects and small invertebrates
Range: Northern South America, along the Amazon Basin
Endangered Status: Least Concern
More Information
Amazon milk frogs are blue-gray with darker gray patterns and irregular stripes on their legs. They are small, measuring up to 4 inches long on average. They live in tropical rainforests and mostly spend their time in trees.
During breeding season, males can be loud as they call for mates. Males also compete for the use of water-filled tree cavities, where females will lay their fertilized eggs. Tadpoles emerge just a day later.