Content Styles

How To | Style Guide | Content Styles | Accessibility Tips | Page Blocks

This is intro size paragraph text, it is slightly bigger than the default paragraph size but otherwise the styles are the same.

Example paragraph text style. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site. Certain areas may have special styles, but this is your standard copy size.

Header 2 Example

Example paragraph text style, AKA body copy. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site. Certain areas may have special styles, but this is your standard copy size. Paragraph links are styled like this so that they are easy for users to find. You also have the ability to BOLD text as well as emphasize text.

Button ExampleButton Example

Note a <hr /> essentially mimics the page block spacing within a WYSIWYG with 40px space on top and bottom.

Header 3 Example

Not used often but can be nice when an H2 has a bunch of sub-sections of content, like in tours.

  • This is a bulleted list.
  • Lists are great for user-experience
  • Content is easier to scan and digest quickly
  • Long paragraphs can be cumbersome and intimidating, but bullets are friendly and enticing
  • Write for someone walking around with their phone in their hand, looking at animals

Example paragraph text style, AKA body copy. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site.

Pre-Title Style P

H2 Title with Bolded Text, Not Used Yet But Needs Styled

Example paragraph text style, AKA body copy. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site.

Blockquote Style Example (H3)

Used to call out a whole small section of special content. Takes on the feel of a separate page block due the 40px of space above and below.

No style changes to the text or inline links, just a box with rounded corners. Different bkgd color over tan vs over white.

Example paragraph text style, AKA body copy. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site.

Header 4, Not Really Used

Example paragraph text style, AKA body copy. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site.

Header 5, Not Really Used

Example paragraph text style, AKA body copy. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site.

Header 6, Not Really Used

Example paragraph text style, AKA body copy. This is what your standard paragraphs will look like throughout the entire site.

Standard Single Button

Double ButtonsButton Example

Map Button Style

Info Button Style

Directions Button Style

Shopping Button Style

Map ItFull Details

List Button

Hold Camera Steady with QR in focus.

We need permission to use your camera for QR codes.

Having Trouble?

Find code numbers below QR codes at exhibits and animals.