Red-billed Leiothrix
McCormick Bird House
The McCormick Bird House is closed until further notice.
Did You Know?
- Red-billed leiothrixes are also known as the Chinese nightingale, the Pekin robin, and the hill robin.
- They were introduced to Hawaii in 1918, and a large established population now lives there.
- These are active, noisy birds that live in a variety of habitats, including wet forests and woodlands. They join flocks of up to 100 individuals.
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Scientific Name: Leiothrix lutea
Class: Birds
Diet: Insects and fruit
Range: Southeast Asia, southern China, and Indian Himalayas; also introduced in Hawaii
Endangered Status: Least Concern
More Information
Named for their striking red beak, red-billed leiothrixes have an olive-green body, an orange-yellow throat, a yellow ring around their eyes, and a forked tail. Males are brighter in color. These medium-sized birds weigh 0.75 ounces on average and are about 6 inches in length. Their wingspan is almost three inches.
Flocks break up at the start of breeding season in February and March. Pairs are monogamous and will breed by August. Females lay up to four eggs, incubated for around 12 days by both parents. Their young don’t open their eyes for five days and fledge after around 12 days.