Prehensile-tailed Skink
Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House
Did You Know?
- Prehensile-tailed skinks spend most of their time in trees. Their prehensile tail helps them balance and grasp branches. It will not regenerate if it is lost, however.
- They are the only skink species that is entirely herbivorous.
- Unlike most reptiles, prehensile-tailed skinks live in family groups that may include bonded adult pairs and their offspring.
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Scientific Name: Corucia zebrata
Class: Reptiles
Diet: Leaves, flowers, and fruit
Range: Solomon Islands
Endangered Status: Not Listed
More Information
Also known as monkey skinks, prehensile-tailed skinks can grow to 32 inches long, including their tail. They weigh around 2 pounds and are generally olive green with scattered black scales on their back and legs. They have long tails that help them climb.
During the day, these slow-moving reptiles hide in branches and tree hollows. They are ovoviviparous; females hatch eggs inside their body and give birth to one live offspring at a time. Their young stay with their family groups until they move on to form their own groups.