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Oriente Knight Anole

Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House

Did You Know?

  • Oriente knight anoles are named for their native range in the Oriente province of the southeastern part of Cuba.
  • Males have a colorful pink or orange flap of skin under the chin called a dewlap, which they extend to scare off predators and attract mates.
  • These anoles prefer to hide in dense foliage and forest canopies. They are adaptable to different environments and generally inhabit forests, mangroves, and coffee plantations.

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Scientific Name: Anolis smallwoodi

Class: Reptiles

Diet: Insects, grubs, and tree frogs

Range: Cuba

Endangered Status: Near Threatened

More Information

Oriente knight anoles are large lizards, measuring 8–9 inches on average. They are generally a deep green color with blue spots. They spend their time in trees hunting prey. They get water by licking it off leaves.

Oriente knight anoles are solitary, except during breeding season between March and November. Females produce just one egg at a time, but they do so every five to 25 days. Eggs remain buried in holes that she digs for up to 69 days, after which the young start to emerge.

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