Jambu Fruit Dove

McCormick Bird House

The McCormick Bird House is closed until further notice.

Did You Know?

  • As their name indicates, Jambu fruit doves feed on fruit produced by rainforest trees. They live in evergreen and mangrove forests.
  • They are threatened by deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia. Jambu fruit doves are also trapped for the pet trade.
  • These doves appear to switch off egg incubation duties. Male doves care for eggs during the day, while females do so at night.

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Scientific Name: Ramphiculus jambu

Class: Birds

Diet: Fruit

Range: Southeast Asia

Endangered Status: Near Threatened

More Information

With a bright orange or yellow beak and green markings on their nape, back, wings, and tail, jambu fruit doves are brightly colored birds. Males also have a crimson face, white chest, and pink patch near their throat. Females have a light purple face and a green chest. These birds can get up to 10 inches in length.

Jambu fruit doves form monogamous pairs and often spend time in packs while feeding. They forage on the ground for fruit or take food from trees. Breeding takes place between November and February and in July. Egg are incubated for around 18 days, and both parents care for young until they fledge—as early as 10 days after hatching.

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