Green Broadbill

McCormick Bird House

The McCormick Bird House is closed until further notice.

Did You Know?

  • Green broadbills have mouths and jaws that are adapted to swallowing round, soft fruits—even those with a pit—whole.
  • They live in the understory of primary evergreen and mixed hardwood forests but can be difficult to find because of their color.
  • They are important seed dispersers in their native range. By eating and defecating, they allow plant seeds to be transported to new sites to germinate and grow.

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Scientific Name: Calyptomena viridis

Class: Birds

Diet: Soft fruit (especially figs), insects, and buds

Range: Islands of Southeast Asia

Endangered Status: Near Threatened

More Information

Male green broadbills have vibrant, green plumage, a black dot behind each ear, and black bands across their wings. Females are duller green and lack the black markings.

These birds breed between February and August. Females weave long, teardrop-shaped nests out of grasses, twigs, leaves, moss, and roots, which will hold three eggs. They incubate them for around 18 days while males stand guard. Once they have hatched, males help feed them. Young mature after a year.

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