Brazilian Whiteknee Tarantula
Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House
Did You Know?
- Tarantulas are covered in hairlike bristles called setae (SEE-tee), which help them sense their surroundings. Most New World tarantulas also have urticating setae, which are shed when the tarantula is threatened and can irritate an attacker’s skin.
- New World tarantulas have venom that is less potent than that of Old World tarantulas, but can still be extremely painful.
- Tarantulas are relatively sedentary. However, they can be found in every continent except Antarctica.
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Scientific Name: Acanthoscurria geniculata
Diet: Insects, lizards, small mammals
Range: Amazon rainforest in South America
Endangered Status: Status Not Determined
More Information
Tarantulas are nocturnal arachnids that tend to move slowly and deliberately. This particular type has a black body that is about 5 inches long, plus bright white-and-black-striped leg bands that can span 11 inches.
Males reach adulthood after 3–4 years and only live for about a year after that. Meanwhile, it can take females up to 5 years to become mature, and they can live more than 10 years. Tarantulas molt regularly, a process that helps them repair appendages or lost hair. Incubation of eggs lasts about 25 days.