Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey

Helen Brach Primate House

Helen Brach Primate House is open 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Did You Know?

  • Bolivian gray titi monkeys inhabit humid, tropical forests and swamps in the southern portion of the Amazon River basin and can be found along rivers and lakeshores. They rarely come to the forest floor.
  • Titi monkeys engage in a behavior called tail twining where they wrap their tails around another’s to reinforce social bonds, much like how humans hold hands.
  • These primates make more complex and varied sounds than many other neotropical monkey species. Pairs may duet with other pairs at dawn or make territorial calls that can be heard a kilometer away.

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Scientific Name: Callicebus donacophilus

Class: Mammals

Diet: Fruit (also, leaves, seeds, and insects)

Range: Bolivia and western Brazil

Endangered Status: Least Concern

More Information

Bolivian gray titi monkeys have a chestnut-brown coat, a non-prehensile gray tail, and a gray face. They measure about 13 inches long and weigh an average of 2.2 pounds. Males and females look alike. Like other primates, they groom one another to reinforce social bonds.

They are arboreal animals that form small, territorial family groups made up of one monogamous adult pair and several offspring. Females may give birth to a single offspring every year after a 160-day gestation, typically during November and March. Males help care for young by carrying them when females are not nursing. The young are weaned at about eight months of age. Bolivian gray titi monkeys live in remote areas without major threats.

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